Orang yang bakhil itu tidak akan terlepas daripada salah satu daripada 4 sifat yang membinasakan iaitu:
1. Ia akan mati dan hartanya akan diambil oleh warisnya, lalu dibelanjakan bukan pada tempatnya atau;
2. hartanya akan diambil secara paksa oleh penguasa yang zalim atau;
3. hartanya menjadi rebutan orang-orang jahat dan akan dipergunakan untuk kejahatan pula atau;
4. adakalanya harta itu akan dicuri dan dipergunakan secara berfoya-foya pada jalan yang tidak berguna
1. Orang yang banyak ketawa itu kurang wibawanya
2. Orang yang suka menghina orang lain, dia juga akan dihina
3. Orang yang menyintai akhirat, dunia pasti menyertainya
4. Barangsiapa menjaga kehormatan orang lain, pasti kehormatan dirinya akan terjaga
Antara tanda-tanda orang yang bijaksana itu ialah:
1. Hatinya selalu berniat suci
2. Lidahnya selalu basah dengan zikrullah
3. Kedua matanya menangis kerana penyesalan (terhadap dosa)
4. Segala perkara dihadapaiya dengan sabar dan tabah
5. Mengutamakan kehidupan akhirat daripada kehidupan dunia.
1. Tiada solat yang sempurna tanpa jiwa yang khusyu'
2. Tiada puasa yang sempurna tanpa mencegah diri daripada perbuatan yang sia- sia
3. Tiada kebaikan bagi pembaca al-Qur'an tanpa mengambil pangajaran daripadanya
4. Tiada kebaikan bagi orang yang berilmu tanpa memiliki sifat wara'
5. Tiada kebaikan mengambil teman tanpa saling sayang-menyayangi
6. Nikmat yang paling baik ialah nikmat yang kekal dimiliki
7. Doa yang paling sempurna ialah doa yang dilandasi keikhlasan
8. Barangsiapa yang banyak bicara, maka banyak pula salahnya, siapa yang banyak salahnya, maka hilanglah harga dirinya, siapa yang hilang harga dirinya, bererti dia tidak wara', sedang orang yang tidak wara' itu bererti hatinya mati
Alangkah susahnya mendidik hati, sedangkan ia adalah pandangan Tuhan, menjadi wajah rebutan malaikat & syaitan.Alangkah susahnya mendidik hati, bila dipuji sombong menghiasi diri,bila diuji pencaci dibenci sehingga berdendam sampai mati,bila nafsu melingkari rasa seperti perbuatan diredhai..DIDIKLAH HATI MENUJU KEBENARAN DEMI MENCARI REDHA ILAHI...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Himah Perkahwinan..

Catatan diambil dari Majalah Haluan,Edisi 3 (2010)
1. Mewujudkan perasaan tenang & tenteram
"Dan diantara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia telah menciptakan untuk kamu isteri-isteri dari jenis kamu sendiri supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepada mereka dan Allah jadikan diantara kamu perasaan mesra dan kasih sayang" (Ar-rum 30:21)
2. Memelihara keimanan dan ketakwaan
Al-Baihaqi meriwayatkan daripada Baginda Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud : "Apabila berkahwin seseorang hamba itu, maka ia telah memenuhi separuh daripada agamanya.Maka bertakwalah kepada Allah SWT pada separuh yang belum disempurnakan lagi"
3. Penghalang maksiat
Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud :
"Apabila seseorang kamu terpaut dengan seorang perempuan lalu memberi kesan didalam hatinya, maka hendaklah dia mendapatkan isterinya dan "bersamanya" kerana dengan itu boleh menghilangkan apa yang ada didalam dirinya" (Riwayat muslim)
4. Keberkatan rezeki
"Kahwinilah orang-orang yang bujang dari kamu dan orang-orang yang layak berkahwin dari hamba2 kamu lelaki dan perempuan.Jika mereka miskin,Allah akan mengayakan mereka dengan limpah kurnia-NYA dan Allah Maha luas kemurahaNya dan Maha Mengetahui" (An-Nur 24:32)
5. Mengembangkan Keturunan
Rasulullah SAW amat berbangga dengan umatnya yang ramai diakhir zaman.Perkahwinan yang soleh akan melahirkan zuriat yang beriman dan bertakwa. Daripada Ma'qal bin Yasar bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud : "Berkahwinlah kamu dengan wanita yang pengasih dan subur,kerana aku akan berbangga dengan jumlah kamu yang ramai" Riwayat al-Imam Abu Daud)
Friday, August 20, 2010
10 Ramadhan telah pun tiba...
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera
sedar tidak sedar hari ini kita sudah pun menjalani 10 hari ibadah Ramadan yang mulia..ketika saya kecil dahulu mak selalu cakap bulan puasa semua syaitan diikat, jadi takde hantu dibulan puasa..Jadi diwaktu itu pada pemikiran saya tentu tiada orang jahat sebab tiada syaitan kacau manusia untuk berbuat jahat.
Tapi sedihnya saya dibulan ramadhan kali ini, terlalu banyak dosa yang berlaku disekeliling saya..kejadian menikam isteri, simbah asid, tendang perut wanita hamil, kes cerai berai, tangkapan orang islam yang tidak berpuasa dan paling menyayat hati kes buang bayi dikalangan remaja..Agaknya mana perginya otak manusia nie! dah gila agaknya.
setiap hari kita membaca kisah2 begini didada akhbar dan boleh dikatakan yang terlibat dengan kes2 begini 99.9% sebangsa dan seagama dengan saya.Akibat dari pengaruh dadah, kurang didikan agama dan pengawasan ibu bapa serta faktor teknologi adalah antara kes2 sebegini seolah-olah sudah menjadi perkara biasa.
Betul juga kata2 kakak saya yang selalu berpesan "kita..biar muka tak berapa cantik, tapi tau jaga akhlak, jangan muka saja cantik tapi otak kosong"
Ya Allah semoga umat islam terus bersatu..Jauhkanlah kami dari segala bala baik yang yang nyata atau tidak nyata dan jauhkanlah kami dari azab api neraka, Kau kurniakanlah kami limpah dan RahmatMu Ya Allah..
sedar tidak sedar hari ini kita sudah pun menjalani 10 hari ibadah Ramadan yang mulia..ketika saya kecil dahulu mak selalu cakap bulan puasa semua syaitan diikat, jadi takde hantu dibulan puasa..Jadi diwaktu itu pada pemikiran saya tentu tiada orang jahat sebab tiada syaitan kacau manusia untuk berbuat jahat.
Tapi sedihnya saya dibulan ramadhan kali ini, terlalu banyak dosa yang berlaku disekeliling saya..kejadian menikam isteri, simbah asid, tendang perut wanita hamil, kes cerai berai, tangkapan orang islam yang tidak berpuasa dan paling menyayat hati kes buang bayi dikalangan remaja..Agaknya mana perginya otak manusia nie! dah gila agaknya.
setiap hari kita membaca kisah2 begini didada akhbar dan boleh dikatakan yang terlibat dengan kes2 begini 99.9% sebangsa dan seagama dengan saya.Akibat dari pengaruh dadah, kurang didikan agama dan pengawasan ibu bapa serta faktor teknologi adalah antara kes2 sebegini seolah-olah sudah menjadi perkara biasa.
Betul juga kata2 kakak saya yang selalu berpesan "kita..biar muka tak berapa cantik, tapi tau jaga akhlak, jangan muka saja cantik tapi otak kosong"
Ya Allah semoga umat islam terus bersatu..Jauhkanlah kami dari segala bala baik yang yang nyata atau tidak nyata dan jauhkanlah kami dari azab api neraka, Kau kurniakanlah kami limpah dan RahmatMu Ya Allah..
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Salam..mari kita sedeqah sedikit harta yang sementara kepada Tabung Dana Kompleks Pendidikan Haluan, Johor..moga menjadi amal jariah bertemu Allah kelak. Sumbangan boleh dibuat ke akaun Sekolah Rendah Agama Ghufran MBB 551191102792.Maklumat lanjut hubungi pihak sekolah ditalian 07-755 9717.Terima kasih diatas perhatian
Petua Mencuci Hati
Sumber : Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Segala aspek kehidupan ini bermula daripada hati. Oleh itu di bawah ini ada beberapa cara bagaimana hendak mencuci hati.
1. Dirikan solat dan banyakkan berdo’a – Ini adalah salah satu kaedah yang sungguh berkesan. Semasa berdo’a turut katakan “Ya,Allah jadikan hatiku bersih.”
2. Selawat keatas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w paling minima 100 x sebelum tidur – Ini merupakan satu pelaburan yang mudah dan murah. Disamping dosa-dosa diampunkan, otak tenang, murah rezeki, orang sayangkan kita dan mencetuskan semua perkara kebaikan.
3. Solat taubat – Selain daripada memohon keampunan, dapat mencuci hati dan menenangkan minda.
4. Membaca Al-Quran – Selain dapat mencuci hati juga menenangkan jiwa,penyembuh, penenang, terapi. Sekurang-kurangnya bacalah “Qulhu-allah” (Surah Ikhlas) sebanyak 3X.
5. Berma’af-ma’ afan sesama kawan setiap hari – Semasa meminta maaf perlu sebutkan.
6. Bisikan kepada diri perkara yang positif – Jangan sesekali mengkritik, kutuk diri sendiri, merendah-rendahkan kebolehan diri sendiri. katakanlah “Aku sebenarnya.. ….(perkara yang elok-elok belaka).
7. Program minda/cuci minda – Paling baik pada waktu malam sebelum tidur, senyum, pejam mata, katakan di dalam hati “Ya, Allah cuci otak aku, cuci hatiku, esok aku nak jadi baik, berjaya, ceria, bersemangat, aktif, positif”. Menurut kajian psikologi, apa yang disebut sebelum tidur dapat dirakamkan sepanjang tidur sehingga keesokan harinya – CUBALAH!!
8. Berpuasa – Sekiranya dalam berpuasa terhindar dari melakukan perkara-perkara kejahatan.
9. Cuba ingat tentang mati (Sekiranya hendak melakukan sesuatu kejahatan, tidak sampai hati kerana bimbang akan mati bila-bila masa).
10. Kekalkan wuduk.
11. Bersedekah.
12. Belanja orang makan.
13. Jaga makanan – jangan makan makanan yang subhat.
14. Berkawan dengan ulama.
15. Berkawan dengan orang miskin (menginsafi).
16. Menutup aurat mengikut Islam yang sebenar terutama wanita, bersegera dalam solat dan sebagainya.
17. Pesan pada orang, jadi baik.
18. Menjaga pacaindera (mata, telinga, mulut…dan sebagainya), jangan dengar orang mengumpat.
Segala aspek kehidupan ini bermula daripada hati. Oleh itu di bawah ini ada beberapa cara bagaimana hendak mencuci hati.
1. Dirikan solat dan banyakkan berdo’a – Ini adalah salah satu kaedah yang sungguh berkesan. Semasa berdo’a turut katakan “Ya,Allah jadikan hatiku bersih.”
2. Selawat keatas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w paling minima 100 x sebelum tidur – Ini merupakan satu pelaburan yang mudah dan murah. Disamping dosa-dosa diampunkan, otak tenang, murah rezeki, orang sayangkan kita dan mencetuskan semua perkara kebaikan.
3. Solat taubat – Selain daripada memohon keampunan, dapat mencuci hati dan menenangkan minda.
4. Membaca Al-Quran – Selain dapat mencuci hati juga menenangkan jiwa,penyembuh, penenang, terapi. Sekurang-kurangnya bacalah “Qulhu-allah” (Surah Ikhlas) sebanyak 3X.
5. Berma’af-ma’ afan sesama kawan setiap hari – Semasa meminta maaf perlu sebutkan.
6. Bisikan kepada diri perkara yang positif – Jangan sesekali mengkritik, kutuk diri sendiri, merendah-rendahkan kebolehan diri sendiri. katakanlah “Aku sebenarnya.. ….(perkara yang elok-elok belaka).
7. Program minda/cuci minda – Paling baik pada waktu malam sebelum tidur, senyum, pejam mata, katakan di dalam hati “Ya, Allah cuci otak aku, cuci hatiku, esok aku nak jadi baik, berjaya, ceria, bersemangat, aktif, positif”. Menurut kajian psikologi, apa yang disebut sebelum tidur dapat dirakamkan sepanjang tidur sehingga keesokan harinya – CUBALAH!!
8. Berpuasa – Sekiranya dalam berpuasa terhindar dari melakukan perkara-perkara kejahatan.
9. Cuba ingat tentang mati (Sekiranya hendak melakukan sesuatu kejahatan, tidak sampai hati kerana bimbang akan mati bila-bila masa).
10. Kekalkan wuduk.
11. Bersedekah.
12. Belanja orang makan.
13. Jaga makanan – jangan makan makanan yang subhat.
14. Berkawan dengan ulama.
15. Berkawan dengan orang miskin (menginsafi).
16. Menutup aurat mengikut Islam yang sebenar terutama wanita, bersegera dalam solat dan sebagainya.
17. Pesan pada orang, jadi baik.
18. Menjaga pacaindera (mata, telinga, mulut…dan sebagainya), jangan dengar orang mengumpat.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Bingkisan Dari Hati

Assalamualaikum wbt & salam sejahtera
Alhamdulillah sudah masuk hari ke6 seluruh umat Islam menunaikan ibadah puasa...hujung minggu yang lalu saya berkesempatan untuk membaca novel terbaru karya penulis yang saya minati iaitu Pn Norhayati Berahim.Kali ini beliau bergandingan dengan penulis baru barangkali tapi jika telahan saya benar maka dia telah membuatkan saya menangis kerana tulisannya.
Ingin saya kongsikan pengalaman menbaca tulisan saudara Anuar Kamaruddin dalam tajuk "terawih terakhir".Mungkin kebetulan bacaan saya dibulan Ramadhan jadi ia terasa amat dekat dekat jiwa.Untuk bahagian Pn. Norhayati Berahim mungkin saya akan ulas di lain entri..sebab belum sudah bacaannya.
1. membaca sirah dalam bentuk novel
2. pengajaran dalam diam
3. pengorbanan seorang sahabat yang mungkin sukar untuk ditemui tapi tapi tidak mustahil akan ada.
banyak yang ingin ditulis tapi seperti sukar untuk diungkapkan..moral of the story segeralah miliki novel ini dipasaran!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Top 10 Tips For A Successful Job Interview
By Shale Paul (sumber diambil dari internet)
Job interviews in many organizations are getting sophisticated these days. Psychological tests, role plays, and challenges to one's "quick intelligence" and street smarts are often part of the package. While it's impossible to anticipate everything you may encounter, here are ten tips that will help you negotiate the interview process successfully.
1. Prepare and over-prepare
It is assumed that you don't go in with egg on your tie, spinach in your teeth, or without a thorough knowledge of the organization and position for which you are interviewing. Beyond that, there's an important principle that will enable you to be much more confident. It's called, "over-preparing. " It goes like this: Plan your strategy--your answers to all the possible questions you may be asked or the challenges that may be thrown at you--and then practice, practice, practice. Role play and repeat your best responses until they are entirely natural, until they simply roll off your tongue with the apparent spontaneity that comes only with successive repetition.
2. Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve
If your interview is resume-based (you've had to supply a resume either before or concurrently) , have the facts of your stated objective, relevant experience, education, etc. thoroughly memorized and mentally supported. As to your job objective, be clear on what you want, as well as what you don't want. There's little room in the job market for the applicant who's willing to take anything; he or she will usually get nothing!
3. Make sure your responses match your claims
If, for example, you've taken extra coursework to qualify for a particular position, license, or certification, tie it into your narrative, e.g., "When I took my coursework for my CPA, I learned that ..." Build on your resume, but don't refer directly to it (assuming the interviewer has it in his or her possession); make sure the connections are there, but do it subtly.
4. Be clear about your strengths
You're almost certain to be hit with questions pertaining to your strengths and weaknesses. Know your strengths and emphasize those that relate specifically to the position for which you're being considered. If, for example, you're applying for a sales position, you might describe one of your strengths (if it's true) as follows: "I've made a study of personality types and I've learned to quickly type people in terms of the kinds of approaches that might best attract them." Be prepared, in this case, to back up your claim if the interviewer suddenly asks: "What type would you say I am?"
5. Describe your weaknesses as strengths
This is tricky, so let's think about why the question is asked. The interviewer probably wants to learn several things about you with this question, such as: whether or not you are arrogant ("I really don't think I have any weaknesses") , whether you know yourself ("Well, I've never really thought about that"), and finally, what you are doing to eliminate your weaknesses. Here are two ways to answer this question so that you leave a positive impression in the mind of the interviewer: (a) Show that, in overcoming a weakness, you've learned. If, for example, there's a period in your chronology that just doesn't fit (say that you took a job selling cars between jobs as an accountant ... it happens!), you might tell the interviewer: "One weakness, which it took me some time to overcome, wasthat I really wasn't sure that I wanted to be an accountant. For example, in 1988-90, I worked as a car salesman. I did so because I couldn't decide if I wanted to make accounting my career. That experience taught me that I really didn't want to sell products, and that I was much more challenged by the opportunity to solve client problems. (b) Pick a weakness that is really a strength. If, for example, you're interviewing for a job in an organization you know is hard-charging and unforgiving of average performance, you might say, "One of my weaknesses is that I tend to be impatient with people who aren't willing to pull their full weight and give 110%." In this case, your "weakness" may help you get the job.
6. If you've been fired, be forthright about it
So many people have been laid off through no fault of their own in the past ten years that it's no longer a stigma to have been fired--unless it was for justifiable cause (e.g.,- you socked your boss). Answer directly, but without a "charge" in your voice. Expressing your bitterness over being let go tells the interviewer (rightly or wrongly) that you can't accept the realities of modern free enterprise -- that downsizing is acceptable and often necessary.
7. Be clear where you want to go
A standard question which has all manner of variations is: "Where do you want to be five years from today?" Only today, the answers are different. Unless you plan to inherit Dad's company, your answer is apt to be a lot more general than it might have been a decade ago. Why? Because the economy and nearly every industry are changing so fast that specificity with respect to the distant future is extremely difficult. So, instead of responding to the question with, "I plan to be in a position of senior leadership in this company," you might want to say: "I plan to become qualified in every phase of this industry." The exact response depends upon the specifics of your job hunting campaign, but the principle is: be specific while allowing yourself the flexibility which suggests that you understand the complexities of the business you're applying for.
8. Have clear personal standards
This is a sleeper because, on the face of it, the question doesn't seem to have much to do with the immediate interview. Today, however, many organizations are looking for people who DO have standards regarding their personal and professional lives, who can articulate them clearly and concisely, and who live by them. In this case, the briefer, the better. "I delegate my weaknesses." "I don't take on projects unless I can give them 100% dedication." "I respond in specifics and avoid meaningless generalities. " "I am committed to life-long learning and growth."
9. Interview the interviewer
The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture.
10. Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue
Even today, it's still not uncommon to hear the old refrain: "Our policy is not to pay a new employee more than X% higher than he/she is currently making." Sorry, that doesn't fly. The real issue, and the only one at stake here, is whether or not your prospective employer is willing to pay WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. And, your worth is a function of the job itself and your capability and willingness to perform it. In most organizations, there are clear parameters for a given job, a range of salary that is adjustable depending upon the market and the applicant's experience. In most cases, unless you are very good, you will have to work within those limits. But, within the limits, what you are worth is a matter of mutual agreement based on your own knowledge of your worth and your ability to convince those interviewing you. So, to sum it up: Know the range of compensation for the job you're seeking, make your own realistic determination of what you're worth, and then be prepared to stand your ground.
Job interviews in many organizations are getting sophisticated these days. Psychological tests, role plays, and challenges to one's "quick intelligence" and street smarts are often part of the package. While it's impossible to anticipate everything you may encounter, here are ten tips that will help you negotiate the interview process successfully.
1. Prepare and over-prepare
It is assumed that you don't go in with egg on your tie, spinach in your teeth, or without a thorough knowledge of the organization and position for which you are interviewing. Beyond that, there's an important principle that will enable you to be much more confident. It's called, "over-preparing. " It goes like this: Plan your strategy--your answers to all the possible questions you may be asked or the challenges that may be thrown at you--and then practice, practice, practice. Role play and repeat your best responses until they are entirely natural, until they simply roll off your tongue with the apparent spontaneity that comes only with successive repetition.
2. Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve
If your interview is resume-based (you've had to supply a resume either before or concurrently) , have the facts of your stated objective, relevant experience, education, etc. thoroughly memorized and mentally supported. As to your job objective, be clear on what you want, as well as what you don't want. There's little room in the job market for the applicant who's willing to take anything; he or she will usually get nothing!
3. Make sure your responses match your claims
If, for example, you've taken extra coursework to qualify for a particular position, license, or certification, tie it into your narrative, e.g., "When I took my coursework for my CPA, I learned that ..." Build on your resume, but don't refer directly to it (assuming the interviewer has it in his or her possession); make sure the connections are there, but do it subtly.
4. Be clear about your strengths
You're almost certain to be hit with questions pertaining to your strengths and weaknesses. Know your strengths and emphasize those that relate specifically to the position for which you're being considered. If, for example, you're applying for a sales position, you might describe one of your strengths (if it's true) as follows: "I've made a study of personality types and I've learned to quickly type people in terms of the kinds of approaches that might best attract them." Be prepared, in this case, to back up your claim if the interviewer suddenly asks: "What type would you say I am?"
5. Describe your weaknesses as strengths
This is tricky, so let's think about why the question is asked. The interviewer probably wants to learn several things about you with this question, such as: whether or not you are arrogant ("I really don't think I have any weaknesses") , whether you know yourself ("Well, I've never really thought about that"), and finally, what you are doing to eliminate your weaknesses. Here are two ways to answer this question so that you leave a positive impression in the mind of the interviewer: (a) Show that, in overcoming a weakness, you've learned. If, for example, there's a period in your chronology that just doesn't fit (say that you took a job selling cars between jobs as an accountant ... it happens!), you might tell the interviewer: "One weakness, which it took me some time to overcome, wasthat I really wasn't sure that I wanted to be an accountant. For example, in 1988-90, I worked as a car salesman. I did so because I couldn't decide if I wanted to make accounting my career. That experience taught me that I really didn't want to sell products, and that I was much more challenged by the opportunity to solve client problems. (b) Pick a weakness that is really a strength. If, for example, you're interviewing for a job in an organization you know is hard-charging and unforgiving of average performance, you might say, "One of my weaknesses is that I tend to be impatient with people who aren't willing to pull their full weight and give 110%." In this case, your "weakness" may help you get the job.
6. If you've been fired, be forthright about it
So many people have been laid off through no fault of their own in the past ten years that it's no longer a stigma to have been fired--unless it was for justifiable cause (e.g.,- you socked your boss). Answer directly, but without a "charge" in your voice. Expressing your bitterness over being let go tells the interviewer (rightly or wrongly) that you can't accept the realities of modern free enterprise -- that downsizing is acceptable and often necessary.
7. Be clear where you want to go
A standard question which has all manner of variations is: "Where do you want to be five years from today?" Only today, the answers are different. Unless you plan to inherit Dad's company, your answer is apt to be a lot more general than it might have been a decade ago. Why? Because the economy and nearly every industry are changing so fast that specificity with respect to the distant future is extremely difficult. So, instead of responding to the question with, "I plan to be in a position of senior leadership in this company," you might want to say: "I plan to become qualified in every phase of this industry." The exact response depends upon the specifics of your job hunting campaign, but the principle is: be specific while allowing yourself the flexibility which suggests that you understand the complexities of the business you're applying for.
8. Have clear personal standards
This is a sleeper because, on the face of it, the question doesn't seem to have much to do with the immediate interview. Today, however, many organizations are looking for people who DO have standards regarding their personal and professional lives, who can articulate them clearly and concisely, and who live by them. In this case, the briefer, the better. "I delegate my weaknesses." "I don't take on projects unless I can give them 100% dedication." "I respond in specifics and avoid meaningless generalities. " "I am committed to life-long learning and growth."
9. Interview the interviewer
The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture.
10. Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue
Even today, it's still not uncommon to hear the old refrain: "Our policy is not to pay a new employee more than X% higher than he/she is currently making." Sorry, that doesn't fly. The real issue, and the only one at stake here, is whether or not your prospective employer is willing to pay WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. And, your worth is a function of the job itself and your capability and willingness to perform it. In most organizations, there are clear parameters for a given job, a range of salary that is adjustable depending upon the market and the applicant's experience. In most cases, unless you are very good, you will have to work within those limits. But, within the limits, what you are worth is a matter of mutual agreement based on your own knowledge of your worth and your ability to convince those interviewing you. So, to sum it up: Know the range of compensation for the job you're seeking, make your own realistic determination of what you're worth, and then be prepared to stand your ground.
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